Construction site update from the new niu Mood hotel building
The foundation stone for the first niu hotel in the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate was laid just three months ago. Progress on the building at Mombacher Str. 6 is already clearly visible. Therefore, we would like to show you an update in pictures of the current developments at this point.
You can see the building once from Mombacher Straße with a view of the front as well as from within the building complex with a view of the former station buildings.
For the construction project in Mainz, we have a long-standing partner on board. Wilhelm Füssler Bau, part of the Gross construction group, is acting as general contractor with its specialist planners and engineers and is steering the fortunes on site. This is already the third hotel property that we are implementing together with Baugruppe Gross – an important partner in our network. The handover of the property to the niu Mood team is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2019.