SOINI ASSET is a bank-independent real estate investment boutique focused on the implementation of unusual construction projects in German-speaking countries. The foundation of our success is the intensive expertise and passion of the responsible players.

Elvis rocks the Baltic Sea pearl.

Celebration of the completion of the first construction phase

We are very happy to have completed the first construction phase with the recently finished restaurant “Little Italy” just in time for the start of the season.

This happy news was a reason for us to invite people to celebrate. And on this occasion, in glorious weather, the numerous visitors and invited guests not only experienced the beauty of a very sensitive, scenic jewel. On the jetty, the artist “Rusty” from Salzburg embodied the King of Rock’n’roll to perfection, not only visually but also acoustically, while in the background the sun disappeared into the sea.

There is already real life on the pier, but construction activity continues: in addition to the already opened restaurant and snack bar, the ranger station, where interested parties can book guided tours of the scenic preserves, is also in operation. In the coming weeks, a small store with beach articles will open, as well as quarters for sailors and the headquarters of the newly founded yacht club on the upper floor.