SOINI ASSET is a bank-independent real estate investment boutique focused on the implementation of unusual construction projects in German-speaking countries. The foundation of our success is the intensive expertise and passion of the responsible players.

SOINI ASSET | Guest article DVZ

An asset class in transition

News item

The Austrian logistics real estate market is currently attracting the attention of investors. But what makes the market so attractive? Oliver Soini, CEO of SOINI ASSET, explores this question in a guest article in the DVZ issue (DVZ No. 39).

The economic and political stability as well as the geopolitical situation of Austria offer the best conditions. But above all, Austria is a dynamically growing market in Europe. Locations around the hot spots of Vienna, Graz and Linz are more in demand than ever. But industrial logistics also finds a home away from the metropolitan areas, at important transport hubs and production sites, such as in Styria. It is also interesting to note that the Austrian logic real estate market was previously strongly characterized by owner-occupancy. Now, a trend reversal can be observed. Speculative developments and the associated dynamics in the last two years have also brought foreign developers into the country. Soini sees a great opportunity for a more sustainable future in developing old industrial sites for new logistics projects, making existing sites fit for the future and expanding city logistics. Approval processes are becoming more sustainable and are taking correspondingly longer, but a cooperative approach is a basic prerequisite for the sensible implementation of logistics, he says. The modern logistics industry therefore needs innovative ideas and future-proof concepts as well as a broader perspective.
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